We care about your children’s health.

Early Intervention Is Essential.

Our Children’s EyeCare Program is designed to educate parents on how to recognize the symptoms of eye diseases and disorders in their children.

Pediatric Eye Exams

Most children have healthy, normal eyes, but a few are born with serious eye diseases or disorders, some of which may not be obvious. In most cases, these problems can be identified—and treated—even during the first few days of life.

But without early intervention, usually before the age of five, a child with an untreated eye problem may suffer from serious vision loss, or even blindness.

Every child, even those without noticeable eye problems, should have a vision screening and/or eye examination before his or her fifth birthday. Parents are usually the first to recognize the signs of eye disease in their children. If you notice that your child’s eyes cross or turn out or if thick glasses worn at an early age run in your family, then your child should be examined early by a doctor.

Good vision is essential for proper physical development and educational progress in growing children. Early detection of treatable eye disease in infancy and childhood can have far reaching implications for vision and, in some cases, for general health.

Common conditions found in children include:

If you suspect that your child has a vision or eye problem, then your child should have his or her eyes examined by an Eye M.D.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment Today!

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